I'm a prenatal + postnatal fitness expert with a passion for inspiring mamas. I have 3 little girls of my own and even though I workout everyday, I'm NOT always motivated. I'm a fan of the snooze button and I often dream about my morning coffee 😋 Pregnancy & Mom life are challenging and I wanted to take the stress out of fitness. So I created this epic community for moms like YOU!
I wanted to create this community to help you stay accountable with your workouts, connect with mamas & to give you a safe space to talk about pregnancy, postpartum + momlife.
When you join, you get immediate access to...
- NEW Exclusive workouts 😅
- Live Q+A's with me 🎉
- Expert trainings 👏🏼
- Community of supportive mamas 💗
- Access to Members only merch 😍
- Special discounts 🌟